We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 4.15.0 is now live!
This update contains the following changes:
Added the ability to control whether or not a User may perform a given 'transition' where they have (or have not) performed another transition, to support a variety of suggested use cases.
Added the ability to prevent a User carrying out a transition where they created an Issue, to support a suggested use case that a User cannot progress an Issue to another Stage where they were the Issue originator.

Added the ability to prevent a User editing a stage where they have previously performed a given transition.
Added the ability to ensure 'Master' Fields of type Linked Item share corresponding ID's with 'Recipients' when an Issue is shared with linked items during a given transition.

Extended the ability to filter for 'blanks' to the 'standard' (non-custom) Date type fields e.g. Date Occurred, Date Discovered on the Issues Matrix.

Recipient Customers with multiple Master accounts can now permission Users with 'View Incoming Shared Events permission' to only see Events supplied by a given Master, to give better control e.g. over which teams can see which Events, depending on need.
Accountability (Senior Manager and Certification Regimes)
Added the Person Reference Number and IRN to the Person Grid for all Users whereas previously this was limited to Users with View Restricted Person Fields permissions only.

Ensured Certification Functions and Certificate Expiry columns no longer display information for Legal Entities where all Certification Functions have been end dated, and that date is now passed.
We now ensure non-Certification Workflows display in descending order first by Due date, then by Creation date (where Due date matches) on each respective tracking tab.
It is now possible to (optionally) attach a completed Certificate to the Certification Complete email when setting the associated Workflow Action.

Improved the 'All Certification Functions token' to better reflect Certification statuses across multiple legal entities by taking into account each Legal Entities most recent certification date.
User (Workflow) 'Step Summary' emails now display dependent step information where a step is conditionally available.
General Improvements & Fixes
Cloud only Users can now upload email attachments (from a supported list) as Records or 'evidence' during attestations
Currently supported formats are .msg, .eml, .emlx, .rtf, .pst and .ost

Users who have configured a Dataset or 'response' Field type of 'Single File upload' or 'Multiple File upload' can now define / limit which extension types are supported by this Field
It is now possible to re-order Topics in a given hierarchy to better orientate larger Topic frameworks.
Where Topics are 'shared' this reordering will be flagged as a change.

It is now possible to download a PDF copy of an Event from the attestation screen (e.g. to pass on Certification Responses for review by another person).
Added the ability to add a numeric Field of type Number (Positive Integer) that permits positive only values, to enforce validation data entries in use cases where negative values should not be possible.
The list of Integer Fields have also been rearranged for a tidier and more orderly presentation of the different options available.
Added the ability to restrict all scheduled emails from Workflows e.g. for those customers who wish to manage Certification communications 'in-house'.
Overdue email notifications will still be set by the respective setting.
Certification Complete emails will still be sent where set by a Workflow Action irrespective of this setting.
A full list of suppressed emails controlled by this setting is provided in the accompanying mouseover message ('tooltip').
Event 'Watchers' (defined by email addresses) will now receive Event 'overdue' emails where overdue emails are configured.
Added full support for 'deletion' for Customers using the Audit Module.
Supports deleting Audits, Audit Requests and Audit Responses
Made a minor amendment to remove the 'In Functions' information for a Function when completing an attestation, based on customer feedback.
Resolved an issue whereby archived 'Issue Types' were still being displayed in the Entity Fields configuration screen.
Resolved an issue whereby downloading data from the Controls and Risk matrices were causing an error.
In a Rush?
Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.

If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Delivery Manager.
Ruleguard Team