
Release Notes

Ruleguard Update 4.50.0


We are pleased to announce that Ruleguard version 4.50.0 is now live!

This update contains the following changes


Risk Records

  • Added the ability to add Records to a Risk
    • Works the same as Records for Processes and Controls.
  • Users sharing Topics with the Sharing Module will also be able to share these Records along with their Shared Risks.


General Improvements & Fixes

  • Made User Experience (UX) improvements to the Comments feature to make it easier to add more text and be clearer where Comments have been added to an entity e.g. Issue. 
  • Made UX improvements to Issue Transitions so that 'Active' Transitions where all conditions have been met are displayed first and in their design order.
    • The colour of Transitions will now also be available within the drop-down menu where many Transitions are present, to make for quicker selection. 
  • Made a minor improvement to disassociate the Account name with the Sailpoint extract name to allow for more presentable representation of Account Names within Ruleguard.
  • Added Global History capture for actions performed via external API requests for Risks, Processes and Controls. 
  • Resolved an issue whereby the same entities may have been mapped multiple times during times of slow network performance. This corrects duplicate entries.
  • Resolved an issue within the Audit & Testing feature whereby it was not possible to download Responses where no Event data had been included.
  • Resolved an issue whereby selecting the 'In [Subject] only' option on the Matrix Views was not being correctly within a saved Pin.
  • Resolved a minor visual error where it appeared that Controls had been mapped to another Control within the Process Card.


In a Rush?

Don't always have time to read our blog posts right away? You can always access our release notes later by clicking the release version in the Ruleguard Welcome menu.


If you encounter any problems or have any questions about this update, please let us know at support@ruleguard.com or contact your Customer Success Manager.

Ruleguard Team