
Using Ruleguard’s New Mapping Experience

We’re proud to introduce the new Ruleguard mapping experience, included automatically and available now for all users of the system!

The new user interface makes navigating your rules-mapping information quicker and more powerful, and it improves the way you can edit mapping data with a great new drag-and-drop interface.

We hope that the new experience will make using Ruleguard easier and more intuitive for everybody!

How do I access the new mapping experience?

Simply navigate to ‘Mapping’ on the left-hand menu, found under the ‘Rule Packs’ heading.
The mapping experience will launch in a new browser tab; those of you who currently use the Ruleguard MI Portal will notice that the new mapping interface uses the same new screens and you’ll see that you can navigate between Mapping and MI menu items freely.

How do I use the new mapping experience?

When you open the new mapping interface, you’ll notice that the majority of the screen is filled with a mapping workspace.

The workspace is the main way that you navigate and edit mapping data. It shows items as coloured tiles containing their name, some information about them, and a number widget on the top-right of the tile which shows you how many items are related. Clicking this number will open up the next level of the mapping view that you’re currently browsing.
Using these controls, you can navigate through items on the screen and easily find what you’re looking for with a mapping context.

What is a mapping context?

The context describes the main item that you’re browsing and mapping to. It’s controlled by this widget at the top of the workspace:

The default context is ‘Topics’ and the items displayed here will be familiar to you immediately if you’ve used Ruleguard before. A ‘Topic’ is the new name for any collection of mapping items – previously you would have seen these as mapping screens which existed in a hierarchy from rule chapters all the way down to control objectives.

The Topics context in the new mapping interface are exactly the same as the old screens and you’ll be able to find all of your mapping details as you drill down through these.

Where the context picker really shines is if you’d like to review or map to other types of item. For example, if you’d like to review all of your risks and see which controls are mapped to them, you can pick ‘Risks’ from the context picker, and go from there. 

How do I change mapping relationships?

 If you are a full user with permission to edit mapping relationships, you will be able to click the ‘Add/Remove Mapping’ button on the top-right of the workspace.

This will open a new panel on the right of the screen called the ‘scope library.’ The scope library shows you all of the mapping items in the system: Risks, Controls, Processes, Rules, and Topics. 

(Which items are displayed will depend on the current context.) 

To create a new mapping relationship, simply drag-and-drop an item from the scope library over to something it can be related to in the workspace. Valid targets will be highlighted and invalid items will be faded out when to begin to drag something so that you can see what’s possible with the item you’ve gotten hold of. 

You can remove a mapping by dragging something back over to the scope library, or right-clicking on it and selecting ‘Remove Mapping’. 

Other features

Be sure to explore what can be done via the right-click menu from within the workspace. These include:
Focus: Limits the workspace view to purely the picked item and its relationships
Open in historical view: If you’d like to see this item on the old Ruleguard screens. (Please note that some actions such as managing records within a Process or Control can only be done on the old screens – for now)

Details/Edit: Opens a card view for this item allowing you to check and edit more information. This view also shows you a full set of mapping relationships for the item on the right-hand panel.

Turn applicability on/off: (Topic only) Toggles applicability for this topic – setting a topic to inapplicable will stop it showing up on gap reports.

Make sure that you also try the new search features. There is a global search at the very top of the screen which will find all items in the system, and you can use this box within the workspace to filter the current context to items matching what you’ve typed. 

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the new mapping experience or need some guidance in using it, please just let us know at hello@ruleguard.com 

You may also download a PDF of this guide here: Using Ruleguard’s New Mapping Experience