Client Assurance Portal

Client Assurance Portal

Genuine oversight. From first to third parties.

Effortlessly demonstrate your adherence to global regulations with Ruleguard's Client Assurance Portal. Ensure every outsourced activity is transparent and accountable, fostering trust and integrity.

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Introducing Ruleguard’s third-party assurance and risk management software

Our Client Assurance Portal uses the core benefits of the Ruleguard GRC platform to bridge the compliance and risk management gap between firms and their third parties. Explore the features and benefits of our solution.

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Effortless data sharing

Say goodbye to manual spreadsheets and emails. Our third-party assurance software lets you share critical operational and compliance data with clients seamlessly, ensuring they're always informed of the latest updates and evidence.


Real-time assurance

Automatically update clients on the performance and compliance of outsourced activities. Offer continuous assurance with minimal effort, enhancing client satisfaction and confidence in your services. Alert third parties about issues, risks, complaints, or other activities, promptly. 


Robust documentation

Document every aspect of outsourced activities, from processes to controls, and securely share this information with clients. Ensure they have immediate access to the most current and comprehensive data.


Dynamic oversight

Simplify third-party oversight and assurance. Ruleguard enables effective oversight across your controls and third-party operations. Identify improvement areas effortlessly, strengthening your compliance framework and client relationships.